If you are currently originating loans solely for your portfolio, you should investigate the possibility and benefits of setting up a Correspondent or Wholesale Loan Channel. This consultation will assist you with creating a sold loan channel, one that is customized to work within the constraints of your current staffing, loan origination system, and their capacities.
This customized channel could be as simple as single partner wholesale outlet, or a robust platform whereby your selling loans to a many different investors with the servicing being either retained or released, or a combination of the two.
The benefits of a sold loan platform are:
• Provide you immediate Fee Income payable when the loan is purchased by the investor.
• Provide you the ability to originate mortgages with only a short-term impact on your cash
• Provide you the ability to limit you mortgage portfolio to Adjustable-Rate Mortgages.
• Provide you the ability to offer a wide array of loan programs to better meet the needs of
your members or customers with access to the following loan programs:
o Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Conforming loans
o Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Affordable Loan Programs
o FHA, VA, and USDA loan programs
o Jumbo and Super Jumbo Loan Programs
o Non-QM and Debt Service loan programs (if desired).
• Access to some of most experienced underwriters and operations teams in the country.
As part of this consultation, we will provide the following services:
• Customize a channel and platform that meets your needs and works within your current
• We will identify and connect you with the investor/partners that best meet your needs
• We will complete the Investor Applications and due diligence and provide the administrative
assistance needed to get your platform up and running.
• We will complete your vendor due diligence and create a procedure for the annual vendor
SBorgerson Consulting LLC
21 Stoney Brae Road, Quincy, Massachusetts 02170, United States